How to Keep Her Interested: 21 Texting Tricks That Work Like Magic


Listen up, gentlemen. You've got her number, maybe you've been on a date or two, but now comes the real challenge: keeping her interested between face-to-face encounters. Fear not, digital Casanovas. We've compiled 21 texting tricks that'll have her checking her phone more often than a teenager with FOMO.

  1. The Cliffhanger

    Leave her wanting more. "You'll never guess what happened at work today..." Then wait a beat before spilling the beans. It's like Netflix for texting.

  2. Funny Meme Magic

    Nothing says "I get you" like a perfectly timed meme. Just make sure it's actually funny. If you have to explain it, you've already lost.

  3. The Callback

    Reference something from your last conversation. "Remember that weird bird we saw? I just saw its cousin trying to steal my lunch." Shows you were paying attention. Women dig that.

  4. Question Master

    Ask open-ended questions. "If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go and why?" It's like an interview, but sexy.

  5. Emoji Storytelling

    Sometimes, a string of emojis is worth a thousand words. Try telling her about your day using only emojis. It's like hieroglyphics for the modern age.

  6. The Tease

    Playful banter is your friend. "I had a dream about you last night. You were a terrible chef. Glad to know you're perfect in real life." Compliment and tease in one go.

  7. Voice Memo Surprise

    Switch it up with a voice message. Hearing your voice adds a personal touch. Just make sure there's no toilet flushing in the background.

  8. The Compliment Sandwich

    Slip in a genuine compliment between two neutral statements. "Work was crazy today. By the way, you looked stunning in that photo you posted. Can't wait for the weekend."

  9. GIF Mastery

    When words fail, GIFs prevail. Find one that perfectly captures your mood or reaction. Bonus points if it's from her favorite show.

  10. The Mysterious Photo

    Send a close-up photo of something and make her guess what it is. Engagement and mystery in one package.

  11. Future Plans Tease

    Casually mention future plans. "We should check out that new restaurant sometime." It's not asking her out, but it's planting the seed.

  12. The 'Thinking of You' Twist

    "Just saw someone wearing a chicken suit. Reminded me of you. Don't ask me why." It's "thinking of you" with a side of wtf.

  13. Pop Culture Reference

    Drop a line from her favorite movie or show. If she gets it, you're golden. If not, time to update your Netflix queue.

  14. The Accidental Text

    Send a text that's "meant for someone else" but actually compliments her. "Dude, I can't stop thinking about Sarah. She's amazing." Oops, did I send that to you?

  15. Riddle Me This

    Send her a riddle or a "would you rather" question. Mental stimulation is sexy. Just don't make it too hard. You want to intrigue her, not make her feel dumb.

  16. The Anticipation Builder

    If you have plans coming up, build anticipation. "Can't wait to see you Friday. I've got a surprise planned." Curiosity will keep her thinking about you.

  17. Tasteful Thirst Trap

    Send a "just finished working out" pic. But keep it classy. We're going for "I take care of myself" not "I'm in love with my reflection."

  18. The Time-Sensitive Text

    "Quick, I need your opinion on something in the next 10 minutes!" Creates urgency and shows you value her input.

  19. The Random Acts of Kindness Update

    "Just helped an old lady cross the street. My good deed for the day." Humble brag about your good qualities.

  20. The Shared Experience

    If you both watch the same show, text her your reactions in real-time. It's like a date, but without the pressure of choosing a restaurant.

  21. The Goodnight Text

    End the day on a high note. "Sweet dreams. Looking forward to more witty banter tomorrow." Leaves her with a smile and something to look forward to.

Remember, gents, the key to keeping her interested isn't about tricks or games. It's about genuine connection, respect, and showing your authentic self. These tips are just the icing on the cake of your charming personality.

Use these wisely, and may your read receipts always be in your favor. Now go forth and text, you smooth operators.