50 Texting Tips That Actually Lead to Dates (Tested by Real Guys)


Gentlemen, let's face it: in the digital age, your thumbs can make or break your love life. Whether you're swiping right on Tinder or sliding into DMs, mastering the art of texting is crucial. But fear not, because we've gathered intel from guys who've been in the trenches and come out victorious. Here are 50 texting tips that'll turn your phone into a date-generating machine.

The Opening Salvo

  1. Ditch the "Hey": It's boring, overused, and screams low effort. Be original.

  2. Reference her profile: Show you've actually read it. "I see you're into rock climbing. Ever scaled El Capitan?"

  3. Use her name: It's personal and catches attention. "So, Sarah, what's the story behind that tattoo?"

  4. Emoji sparingly: One or two can add flavor, but don't go overboard. You're not a 13-year-old girl.

  5. Ask an open-ended question: Give her something to work with. "What's the most spontaneous thing you've done lately?"

Keeping the Conversation Rolling

  1. The 2:1 rule: For every question you ask, share two pieces of information about yourself.

  2. Be genuinely curious: Ask follow-up questions that show you're listening.

  3. Use callbacks: Reference earlier parts of the conversation. It shows you're paying attention.

  4. Avoid one-word responses: They're conversation killers.

  5. Don't double text: Give her time to respond. Desperation isn't sexy.

Humor: Your Secret Weapon

  1. Self-deprecating humor: Shows confidence and humility. "I tried yoga once. The instructor asked me to leave for the safety of others."

  2. Puns: Use with caution. A good one can be charming, a bad one... well, you know.

  3. Memes: When in doubt, a well-timed meme can work wonders.

  4. Avoid sarcasm: It doesn't translate well over text. Save it for in-person banter.

  5. Know your audience: What's hilarious to you might be offensive to her. Read the room.

Flirting Without Being Creepy

  1. Compliment her mind: "Your take on climate change is fascinating. I'd love to discuss more over coffee."

  2. Use innuendo sparingly: A little goes a long way. Too much and you're just that creepy guy.

  3. Playful challenges: "I bet I can guess your favorite movie in three tries."

  4. Create inside jokes: Shared humor creates a bond.

  5. Avoid generic pickup lines: Unless you're using them ironically, they're a one-way ticket to Left Swipe City.

The Art of Timing

  1. Don't play games: Waiting three days to text back isn't cool, it's juvenile.

  2. Match her pace: If she takes hours to respond, don't blow up her phone every 5 minutes.

  3. Avoid late-night texts: Unless you're already at that level, it screams booty call.

  4. Know when to take a break: Constant texting can kill the mystery. Let anticipation build.

  5. Strike while the iron is hot: If the conversation is flowing, suggest meeting up.

Grammar and Etiquette

  1. Proofread: Nothing kills attraction like poor grammar and spelling.

  2. Avoid ALL CAPS: It comes across as shouting. Unless you're actually shouting. Which you shouldn't be.

  3. Use proper punctuation: "Let's eat, Grandma" vs "Let's eat Grandma." Punctuation saves lives.

  4. Abbreviations in moderation: "LOL" is fine. "ROFLMAO" makes you sound like a teenage boy.

  5. No unsolicited pics: Seriously. Just don't.

Building Attraction

  1. Share your passions: Enthusiasm is attractive. Talk about what excites you.

  2. Be mysterious: Hint at interesting stories, but don't give everything away over text.

  3. Use descriptive language: Paint a picture with your words. "I know this hidden beach where the sunset looks like it's setting the ocean on fire."

  4. Flirt with action: "If you were here, I'd challenge you to a dance-off right now."

  5. Create anticipation: "I know this amazing hole-in-the-wall restaurant. You'll have to let me take you sometime."

The Path to a Date

  1. Be direct: "I'm enjoying our conversation. Want to continue it over drinks?"

  2. Offer specific plans: "There's a great jazz bar downtown. How about Thursday at 8?"

  3. Have a backup plan: If she's busy, have another suggestion ready.

  4. Use time constraints: "I've got an hour free tomorrow afternoon. Quick coffee?"

  5. Be flexible: If she suggests an alternative, go with the flow.

Red Flags to Avoid

  1. Don't overshare: Your childhood trauma can wait for the third date.

  2. Avoid ex talk: Nothing kills potential faster than dwelling on past relationships.

  3. Don't be pushy: If she's not responding, take the hint.

  4. No guilt trips: "I guess you're too busy for me" is manipulative and unattractive.

  5. Keep it PG-13: Unless she initiates, keep things clean.

The Home Stretch

  1. Confirm plans: "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 7!"

  2. Keep it light before the date: Save the deep conversations for in-person.

  3. End on a high note: Leave her looking forward to meeting you.

  4. Be yourself: At the end of the day, authenticity is key.

  5. Remember: Texting is just the prelude. The real magic happens face-to-face.

There you have it, gents. Fifty tried-and-true texting tips to get you from the phone screen to a real-life date. Remember, these are guidelines, not gospel. Every woman is different, so stay adaptable. Now go forth and text with confidence. Your next great date is just a cleverly crafted message away.


Remember, gentlemen: in the world of digital dating, your wit is your sword and your charm is your shield. Wield them wisely, and may the odds be ever in your favor.