69 Foreplay Moves That'll Make Her Beg for More


Gentlemen, gather 'round. Today, we're diving into the art of foreplay - that magical prelude that can turn a good night into an unforgettable one. We've compiled 69 (yes, we went there) moves that'll have her writhing with anticipation. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so let's make it a trip worth taking.

Setting the Mood

  1. Light some candles. It's basic, but it works. The flickering light flatters everyone and sets a sultry tone.

  2. Put on some music. And no, your favorite death metal band doesn't count. Go for something with a slow, steady beat. Think Barry White, not Slayer.

  3. Use scents to your advantage. A little cologne goes a long way. A lot makes you smell like a middle school dance. Hit the pulse points and let your natural musk do the rest.

  4. Keep the room cool. It's the perfect excuse to get closer. Plus, cooler temperatures make nipples perk up. You're welcome.

  5. Invest in a dimmer switch. Overhead fluorescents are about as sexy as a DMV waiting room. Soft, low lighting is a non-negotiable. (If you’re in a pinch, you can always throw your t-shirt over a lampshade for a DIY dimmer, and hey, now she can admire your shirtless manliness.)

The Power of Touch

  1. Use your fingertips to trace her body. Light touches can drive her wild. Start at her neck and work your way down, barely skimming her skin.

  2. Apply gentle pressure with your whole hand. You're caressing, not kneading dough. Think sensual, not deep tissue massage.

  3. Play with temperature. Alternate between warm breath and cool blows. The contrast will make her nerve endings sing.

  4. Break out a feather if you're feeling fancy. Just don't tickle her too much, unless you want her laughing instead of moaning. Start with less sensitive areas and work your way to the hot spots.

  5. Silk or satin can be your wingman. Slide it across her skin and thank us later. The smooth texture against bare skin is incredibly sensual.

Massage Techniques

  1. Give her a scalp massage. Run your fingers through her hair like you're panning for gold. It's relaxing and oddly arousing.

  2. Don't ignore the earlobes. They're tiny, but mighty sensitive. A gentle tug with your lips can send shivers down her spine. Add some bonus irresistible tension by whispering something about how turned on she makes you feel while you’re here.

  3. Work on her neck. There's a reason "pain in the neck" is a saying. Release that tension and she'll melt into your hands.

  4. Shoulder rubs are your friend. If she's stressed, this is your in. Work out those knots and she'll be putty in your hands.

  5. Show some love to her lower back. It's often tense and always appreciative of attention. Use your thumbs to make small circles just above her tailbone.

Kissing 101

  1. Kiss her eyelids. It's weirdly intimate and she'll dig it. 

  2. The neck is your playground. Kiss, nibble, repeat. That spot where her neck meets her shoulder? Mhmm, that’s it.

  3. Don't neglect the collarbone. It's begging for attention. Trace it with your tongue and watch her squirm.

  4. The inner wrist is surprisingly sensitive. Plant one there and watch her reaction. Bonus points if you maintain eye contact.

  5. Whisper in her ear, then give it a little kiss. Two-for-one special. The combination of your warm breath and soft lips will drive her wild.

Hands and Feet (Yeah, Really)

  1. Suck on her fingers. It's suggestive without being too obvious. Start with gentle kisses, then slowly take one finger into your mouth. The implications will not be lost on her.

  2. Trace the lines on her palm. Throw in some fake fortune-telling if you're feeling cheeky. "I see a tall, dark, handsome man in your future... oh wait, that's me."

  3. Kiss her knuckles. Chivalry isn't dead, it just moved to the bedroom. It's old-school romantic with a hint of what's to come.

  4. Give her a foot rub. It's not for everyone, but if she's into it, you're golden. Start with firm pressure to avoid tickling, and pay attention to her reactions.

  5. If she's cool with it, gently suck her toes. Foot fetish optional. Just make sure they're clean first, champ.

The Art of Undressing

  1. Take it slow. You're unwrapping a gift, not tearing open a bag of chips. Savor each revealed inch of skin.

  2. Unbutton her shirt like you're disarming a bomb. Slow, steady, and with full attention. Kiss each new area of skin as it's revealed.

  3. Maintain eye contact while unzipping. It's hot, trust us. The anticipation will have her heart racing.

  4. If she's wearing stockings, roll them down slowly. Run your hands down her legs as you go. It's sensual and practical.

  5. Appreciate her lingerie before you remove it. She chose it for a reason, champ. Compliment her taste, then show her how much you like it.

Oral Fixation

  1. Nibble her earlobe. Gently. You're not actually hungry. A soft bite followed by a soothing lick will send shivers down her spine.

  2. Kiss down her neck. It's a classic for a reason. Vary between light pecks and open-mouthed kisses.

  3. Trace her collarbone with your tongue. Anatomy lesson meets foreplay. The dip in the center is particularly sensitive.

  4. Plant kisses on her inner thighs. The anticipation will kill her (in a good way). Work your way up slowly, but don't go all the way just yet.

  5. Circle her belly button with your tongue. It's weirdly erogenous. Plus, it's a great pit stop on your way south.

Breast Play

  1. Don't neglect the underboob. It's the forgotten wonderland. Cup her breasts from below and tease the sensitive skin underneath.

  2. Circle the nipples without touching them directly. Frustration can be fun. Use your breath, a feather, or ghost your fingers around them.

  3. Try some temperature play. Ice cubes are your friend. Trace one around her nipple, then follow it with your warm tongue.

  4. Feathers aren't just for tickle fights. Use one for a light touch. Brush it over her breasts and watch her skin pebble.

  5. Blow warm air across her nipples. Watch them stand at attention. Then, without warning, flick your tongue over one. The contrast will drive her wild.

Back That Ass Up

  1. Trace her spine with your fingertips. Shivers guaranteed. Start at her neck and work your way down to her tailbone.

  2. Draw circles on her lower back. It's soothing and sexy. Use your thumbs to make small, firm circles just above her buttocks.

  3. Give her butt a squeeze. Admire your good fortune. Knead gently, don't paw like an eager teenager.

  4. Follow the curve of her hip bones. It's a roadmap to pleasure. Trace the line from her hips to where her thigh meets her pelvis.

  5. Kiss her shoulder blades. They deserve some attention too. The skin here is often neglected and surprisingly sensitive.

Leg Day

  1. Stroke her inner thighs. The closer you get without actually getting there, the better. It's all about the tease.

  2. Kiss the back of her knees. It's more sensitive than you'd think. Plus, it's unexpected. Work your way up from there.

  3. Massage her calves. Every day is leg day in the bedroom. If she's been in heels, she'll love you for this.

  4. Trace circles around her ankles. It's oddly intimate. That spot just above her ankle bone? Surprisingly sensitive.

  5. Stroke the arches of her feet. If she's ticklish, proceed with caution. Start with firm pressure to avoid giggles.

Sensory Overload

  1. Blindfold her. When one sense goes down, the others go into overdrive. Just make sure you've got consent first.

  2. Ice cubes aren't just for drinks. Draw patterns on her skin. The contrast of cold ice and your warm mouth? Mind-blowing.

  3. That feather makes a comeback. Full-body teasing at its finest. Vary pressure and speed to keep her guessing.

  4. Drip warm massage oil on her body. It's like a Slip 'N Slide, but sexier. The warmth plus your touch equals bliss.

  5. Use different textures. Silk, fur, leather - get creative. The variety of sensations will keep her on her toes.

Hidden Hotspots

  1. The back of the knee is weirdly sensitive. Give it some love. A light touch here can make her whole leg tingle.

  2. Inner elbow? More like inner erogenous zone. Light touches here can be electric. Try a gentle kiss or a soft blow.

  3. The lower abdomen is a warmup for the main event. Tease it. Light circles with your fingertips will have her arching for more.

  4. The small of her back is begging for attention. A gentle touch here can cause full-body shivers. Try tracing figure-eights.

  5. The nape of the neck is like an on/off switch for some women. Proceed with power. A gentle kiss here can make her melt.

Mind Games (The Good Kind)

  1. Whisper in her ear. Tell her what you're going to do to her. Be specific. The anticipation will drive her wild.

  2. Compliment her. Be genuine and specific. "You're hot" is lazy. "The way your eyes light up when you laugh is incredible" is better.

  3. Share a fantasy. Just make sure it's one she'd be into. Start tame and gauge her reaction before going full Fifty Shades.

  4. Build anticipation. Tell her your game plan, then take your sweet time getting there. The waiting is half the fun.

  5. Reminisce about your hottest encounter. Reliving greatest hits can inspire an encore. "Remember that time in the kitchen? Let's top that."

The Home Stretch

  1. Take time to appreciate every inch of her. Make her feel like a goddess. Worship at the altar, fellas.

  2. Sync up your breathing. It's intimate as hell. Plus, it can intensify sensations for both of you.

  3. Maintain eye contact. Get lost in those eyes, Romeo. It's not a staring contest, but a moment of connection.

  4. The ultimate tease: pause just when things are getting hot. Let the anticipation build, then dive back in. She'll be begging for more.

Remember, gents, this isn't a checklist. It's a repertoire. Mix and match, find what works for you and your partner. The key is enthusiasm, attention, and a willingness to learn. 

Most importantly, have fun with it. If you're not enjoying yourself, neither is she. Master these moves, and you'll have her looking forward to the preview as much as the main event.


Remember, this isn't a step-by-step manual. It's a toolbox. Use what works, ditch what doesn't, and always, always pay attention to your partner.

Now go forth and make her weak in the knees. Class dismissed.