The Power-Five Protocol: Pack on 10 lbs of Muscle in 30 Days


Alright, aspiring Hercules, it's time to turn that dad bod into a Greek god bod. Welcome to the Power-Five Protocol, where we'll transform you from a mere mortal into a muscle-bound deity in just 30 days. Strap in, because things are about to get heavy.

The Philosophy

The Power-Five Protocol is built on three pillars:

  1. Compound movements

  2. Progressive overload

  3. Sufficient recovery

We're talking big lifts, gradually increasing weights, and enough sleep to make Rip Van Winkle jealous.

The Workout Structure

  • 3 workouts per week

  • 5 exercises per workout

  • 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise

See the pattern? Five is our magic number. It's like we're summoning the power of the Pentagon, but for your muscles.

The Workout Plan

Workout A

  1. Barbell Back Squat

  2. Bench Press

  3. Bent-Over Rows

  4. Overhead Press

  5. Deadlift

Workout B

  1. Front Squat

  2. Incline Bench Press

  3. Pull-Ups (or Lat Pulldowns)

  4. Dips (or Close-Grip Bench Press)

  5. Romanian Deadlift

Alternate between Workout A and Workout B each session. That's it. Simple, but brutal.

The Execution

  1. Start with a weight you can comfortably do 5x5 with perfect form.

  2. Add 5 lbs to each exercise every session.

  3. If you fail to complete 5x5, stay at that weight until you can.

  4. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

The Schedule

  • Monday: Workout A

  • Wednesday: Workout B

  • Friday: Workout A

  • Weekend: Rest and eat like it's your job

Following week, start with Workout B on Monday. Rinse and repeat.

The Nutrition

To pack on 10 lbs of muscle, you need to eat like you're preparing for hibernation.

  • Calories: Your body weight in lbs x 18

  • Protein: 1 gram per lb of body weight

  • Carbs: 2 grams per lb of body weight

  • Fats: The rest of your calories

Example for a 180 lb guy:

  • Calories: 3,240

  • Protein: 180g

  • Carbs: 360g

  • Fats: 108g

The Supplements

  1. Whey Protein: For when you can't face another chicken breast

  2. Creatine: 5g daily. It's like miracle-gro for your muscles

  3. Pre-workout: Optional, but helpful when motivation is lower than your standards on Tinder at 2 AM

The Recovery

  • Sleep: Aim for 8-9 hours. Grow in your sleep like a good little muscle sprout.

  • Rest days: No, playing Call of Duty doesn't count as rest. Actually relax.

  • Stretching: 10-15 minutes post-workout. Don't be that guy who walks like a robot.

The Mindset

This isn't going to be easy. There will be days when your muscles hate you, your bed is seducing you, and the pizza delivery guy is on speed dial. Push through. Remember why you started. Visualize the Greek god you're becoming.

And on those days when motivation is lower than your squat depth, just do one set. That's it. Chances are, you'll end up doing the whole workout. And if not, hey, that's still more than you would have done otherwise.

The Warning

Consult with a doctor before starting this or any exercise program. If you feel pain (not just discomfort), stop. We're trying to build muscle, not an impressive medical file.

Now go forth and conquer, you soon-to-be muscle-bound warriors. May your gains be plentiful and your protein shakes be tasty.

Remember: In 30 days, you could be 10 lbs more awesome. Or you could be exactly the same, just 30 days older. The choice is yours.