The Ultimate Texting Field Guide: 21 Killer Responses to Common Girl Texts


Alright, gents. You've mastered the art of initiating conversation, but what happens when she throws you a curveball? Fear not, digital Don Juans. We've compiled 21 smooth responses to common texts from the fairer sex. Keep this cheat sheet handy, and you'll never be left on "read" again.

  1. She texts: "What are you up to?"

    Your golden response: "Just finished saving the world. You know, typical Tuesday. How about you?" Humor with a dash of mystery. You're welcome.

  2. She sends: "I'm bored..."

    You hit back with: "Hi Bored, I'm [Your Name]. Now that we've been properly introduced, what's your favorite way to un-bore yourself?" Dad joke meets genuine interest.

  3. Her: "Tell me something interesting about yourself."

    You: "I can lick my elbow. Okay, that's a lie, but I do make a mean grilled cheese sandwich. Want to hear about my secret ingredient?" Intriguing and leaves her wanting more.

  4. She asks: "What are you looking for on here?"

    Your smooth reply: "Someone to argue with about pineapple on pizza. You pro or con?" Lighthearted deflection that opens up a fun debate.

  5. Her late-night text: "You up?"

    Your witty response: "No, this is my sleep-texting alter ego. He's much funnier than awake me." Shows you're quick on your feet, even at 2 AM.

  6. She drops: "I had a really bad day."

    You swoop in with: "That sucks. On a scale of 'stepping on a Lego' to 'finding out pockets in women's jeans are fake', how bad are we talking?" Empathy with a side of humor.

  7. Her fishing attempt: "I bet you say that to all the girls."

    Your comeback: "Nah, my best lines are reserved for dog parks. You should hear what I say to poodles." Deflect with absurdity.

  8. She tests with: "Why haven't you texted me?"

    You deflect: "I was drafting the perfect text. It involved Shakespeare, emojis, and a brief history of cheese. Got scrapped by my editor." Humor to diffuse tension.

  9. Her classic: "Where is this going?"

    Your classic deflection: "Well, I was thinking pizza for dinner, but I'm open to suggestions." Light-hearted way to buy time if you're not ready for that talk.

  10. She sends: "Do you think I'm pretty?"

    You reply: "Nah, you're a total goblin. That's why I can't stop looking at your pictures." Compliment disguised as playful teasing.

  11. Her subtle hint: "I'm free this weekend..."

    Your smooth response: "What a coincidence, so is the new Marvel movie. Sounds like fate to me." Ball's in her court now.

  12. She asks: "What do you think about [insert controversial topic]?"

    You navigate with: "On a first date? Risky. How about we start with something easier, like whether a hot dog is a sandwich?" Deflect potential landmines with humor.

  13. Her test: "My ex used to..."

    You interrupt with: "Let me stop you right there. I have a strict 'no time travel' policy when it comes to dating." Boundary setting with style.

  14. She drops: "I don't usually do this, but..."

    You reassure: "Don't worry, I won't tell the 'Usually Do This' Committee. Your secret's safe with me." Light-hearted way to make her comfortable.

  15. Her classic: "What are you wearing?"

    Your cheeky reply: "A cape and cowl. It's laundry day." Keep it playful unless you're sure she's looking for something steamier.

  16. She sends: "I can't figure you out."

    You quip: "That's okay, I came without instructions. Keeps things interesting, right?" Embrace the mystery.

  17. Her subtle dig: "You're such a player."

    Your comeback: "Only at Scrabble. And even then, I usually lose to my grandma." Self-deprecating humor to counter assumptions.

  18. She tests: "Why are you still single?"

    You flip it: "I was waiting for you to come along and ask me that question, obviously." Cheesy? Yes. Effective? Also yes.

  19. Her loaded question: "Do you think my friend is hot?"

    Your safe reply: "I hadn't noticed. I was too busy being blinded by your radiance." Cheesy, but gets you out of a tight spot.

  20. She drops: "I think we should talk..."

    You defuse with: "Great! I've been dying to debate whether cereal is a soup." Humor to lighten a potentially heavy moment.

  21. Her open-ended: "So..."

    Your engaging response: "So... is this the part where we start planning our elaborate heist? I call dibs on being the charming distraction." Turn a potential conversation lull into an imaginative scenario.

Remember, gents, these are guidelines, not gospel. The key to great texting is being authentic, reading the room (or the chat), and knowing when to put down the phone and suggest a real-life meet-up.

Now go forth and text, you smooth operators. May your wit be sharp and your autocorrect forgiving.